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Rocscience International Conference 2025 has a theme of:
Beyond the Surface: Deepening our Understanding of Geotechnical Challenges,"
10th International Conference on Geotechnical Research and Engineering (ICGRE 2025) will cover topics including:
Dams and Tunnelling
Engineering Geology
Geoenvironmental related topics
Geohazards and Risk Assessment
Geotechnical Infrastructure
Geosynthetics and Geoproducts
Marine Geotechnics
Mining and Geotechnics
Design and Modelling
Soil and Rock Mechanics and Characterization
Transportation Geotechnics, Engineering and Technology
Eurock 2025 will cover topics including:
New Tools and Techniques
Rock Support Design
Rock Mass Characterization
Prognosis Models in Rock Tunneling
Fluid Flow in Rock Mass
Ground Investigations
Laboratory Testing of Rock
Brittle Failure
Rock Mass Monitoring
3D modelling and Visualization
Rock Mass Grouting
Sustainability in Rock Engineering
9th International Symposium for Geotechnical Safety and Risk will cover topics including:
Geohazards such as landslides, dams and levees, tsunami, snow avalanches, earthquakes, and geoenvironmental hazards including those caused by human activity
Digital soil and rock databases and their use in geotechnical research and practice
Probabilistic site characterisation
Modelling of spatial variability and effects on geotechnical design
Reliability- and risk-based code developments
Uncertainty quantification for geotechnical properties, models and testing methods
Bayesian statistical methods and their applications in geotechnical engineering
Machine Learning algorithms and their applications in geotechnical engineering
Best practices of hazard and risk assessment in offshore projects
Risk management and mitigation measures in all fields of geoengineering
Structural health monitoring and digital twinning
Practical applications and case studies