Friction: Edition 8 | June 2023


Access roads, build pads, levees, dams, drains – all are vital, primary infrastructure across mine sites so, by their nature, demand a geotechnical engineer’s full attention to ensure safety and stability.

In our June edition, Tom Lynch, Senior Geotechnical Engineer at Cartledge Mining and Geotechnics, shares how modern approaches are leading the way to optimising earthworks. Through the use of modern and smarter equipment and infrastructure, mining no longer needs a cookie-cutter approach.  

We also talk to Graeme Jardine, APAC Technical Director, Global Subject Matter Expert Engineering Geology and Senior Principal at Jacobs, about his role, and his expectations around future trends in the industry. 

Make sure to keep an eye out on our events calendar to find an event near you. And, don’t forget Friction’s Associations Directory if you are interested in joining a geotechnical association in your area.  

If you have something you would like to share with us, please contribute at


Tim Cartledge

Modern approaches to infrastructure in mining

Access roads, build pads, levees, dams, drains – all are vital, primary infrastructure across mine sites so, by their nature, demand a geotechnical engineer’s full attention to ensure safety and stability.

But achieving quality infrastructure no longer needs to be a cookie-cutter approach, with modern methods improving efficiencies and delivering cost benefits to mines through the smarter use of materials, equipment and technology.

Friction caught up with Tom Lynch, Senior Geotechnical Engineer at Cartledge Mining and Geotechnics, to discuss how modern approaches are leading the way in optimising earthworks on mine sites.


Q&A with Graeme Jardine

Everyone has a story to tell, and this month we get to know APAC Technical Director, Global Subject Matter Expert Engineering Geology, and Senior Principal at Jacobs, Graeme Jardine.



The forgotten mine – the importance of aggregates

In the latest episode of ‘On The Rocks Podcast’, Chris Summers, discusses aggregates, and how this important infrastructure feature that we use every day comes from what he calls the ‘forgotten mine’.  Aggregates are crushed stone, sand or gravel used in many constructions and infrastructure projects including roads, sidewalks and our homes. 

Chris shares his thoughts and knowledge about the improvement technology is making on aggregate mines and the importance of geology for younger generations. 


New seismic and geological interpretation software

Geomage has released its new seismic and geological interpretation software, g-Space. The program, now available for a free demo, includes:

•    Horizon and fault picking
•    Well-tie and well correlation flows
•    Horizons mapping with faults
•    2D/3D advanced visualisation
•    Demo project downloaded with installation includes 2D and 3D seismic, horizons, faults and more than 1000 well logs

Download and test out the new software today. 


The application of machine learning in geotechnical engineering 

Majid Nazem, from RMIT University, recently conducted an online webinar, discussing the application of machine learning methods in geotechnical engineering. 

If you are interested in learning about machine learning and its relevance to our industry, this presentation is for you. 



Did you miss out on the chance to attend RIC2023? The live recording of the conference is now available.

Organised and hosted by  Rocscience, this conference saw engineers from across the globe come together to discuss and share their insights, knowledge, experience and case studies.

The theme for the 2023 conference “Synergy in Geotechnical Engineering – Success Beyond Individual Technologies” invited industry leaders to discuss their views and research on the way technology is shaping our industry. 

Make sure you mark your calendars for the next conference. Rocscience International Conference is heading to Australia in 2025!



Friction is about connecting our industry together. If you have an article, paper or insight to share we'd love to hear from you. Find out how you can contribute to Friction here.


Q&A with Adrienna Robotham


Modern approaches to infrastructure in mining