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Numerical Modelling of Rock Fracturing Processes 2023 | Online Course

Date: Mon 20 March - Mon 1 May, 2023

This six week course presented by Ingeoexpert Training Center in collaboration with Geomechanica cultivates understanding of the basic concepts of numerical modeling for rock fracturing processes, available solutions, their pros and cons, as well as the finite-discrete element method (FDEM). Attendees will attain basic understanding of simulation approaches and in particular FDEM and how to apply FDEM to model complex engineering problems. Participants will learn how to build FDEM models in Geomechanica’s Irazu software, including the assignment of correct input parameters and postprocessing of the results. Moreover, theoretical and practical case studies and examples will be discussed.

17 March

Case Studies of Managing Seismic Risks in Mines Seminar 2023 | Perth, Australia

27 March

Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and ArcGIS 2023 | Online Course